Beyond Illusion
- BEYOND ILLUSION - A black ink and black color pencil drawing on an 11 x 14 size coquille board. It appears on the cover of the fanzine, "Beyond Illusion," published in 1980. The drawing was my tribute to artist, Hannes Bok. It is not a "copy," of one of his drawings, I created the scene. But, I imitated Bok's style to do my "tribute" drawing, and that's OK in the art world.
Hannes Bok highly admired the wonderful artwork of Maxfield Parrish, a giant in the publishing industry during the Golden age of magazine and book publication, mostly between 1920 and the 1940s. The influence that Parrish had on Bok is evident in the landscapes Bok painted. He visited Parrish at his home once and I can imagine how inspired Bok became after talking with Parrish and looking at his original paintings.
But it's sad to think of how Bok's precious life was spent in hopeful dreams of having a successful art career that was destined never to happen. By the late 1950s all the pulp magazines were gone, and so were most of the small press fantasy book publishers. Bok was left with almost no place to sell his artwork. Tragically, he ended up writing articles for astrology magazines, a poor and undernourished recluse. He died of a heart attack in 1964. He was only 49 years old.
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